01 How does a movement coach help people to challenge their body while suffering with pain?


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Evelyn Chou’s Podcast


In this episode, I have invited a special movement coach (who is unique in Malaysia fitness industry) to our podcast, MayOoi Kok. As the first guest our podcast to speak out the importance of holistic health, she always keep high awareness in how to move free and how to deal with pain. In our world, the fear to resolve pain and the intention to stay active can be easily restricted by our brain and mindset. The more we think with good mindset, the easier we can manipulate our behavior to move more and even take more action to stay active.​As a movement coach which is supported by her strong academic qualification and solid martial arts experience, MayOoi has a holistic belief that correct movement actually helps people to move freely. She helps people to understand their own movement and be fearless with movement even when suffering with pain. One of my friends who has pelvic pain went to visit chiropractors but the recovery was to no avail. And she actually consulted May who taught her some simple daily movement and stretching method and my friend has totally recovered from it! Join us and listen to her story and how she helps people to change perspective towards movement and learn to challenge our own body ! If you want to know more about MayOoi, why not click HERE to check out. Or why not just join her Facebook Group to directly interact with her?You can also book a consultation session with her via movementwithskill@gmail.com