#018: Josh Thiel (28 yrs) on Getting Elected for Political Office in America’s Richest County - Loudoun County, Virginia


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Hackiversity Podcast


Josh Thiel (@Thiel4Leesburg) graduated from St. Francis University with a degree in Marketing and Communications. Today, Josh serves on the Town Counsel of Leesburg, Virginia, which is located in Loudoun County, the wealthiest and fastest growing county in America. At the same time, Josh works for Booz Allen Hamilton, one of the premier consulting firms in the Washington, D.C. area. In this episode, Josh and I discuss: How students can quickly and effectively plug into the political arena; How to use failure to drive further success; and College life as a Division 1AA athlete Josh’s “tweetable” advice: To persevere. To learn more about Josh, check out his Leesburg Town Counsel site, his Facebook page, or his Instagram account.