027 Can emotional intelligence mean change for good in politics?


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EQ for World Leaders Podcast | Emotional Intelligence | Politics | Leadership | Empathy | Decision making | Make an Impact

News & Politics

In this and the next 7 episodes we are looking closer into the role emotional intelligence plays in politics. I am answering the most common 10 questions people are not asking us, but should and the question I am answering today is:   Can EQ mean a change for good in politics?   Before I answer today’s question, I want to share today’s quote which is from Plato and it goes like this: "One of the reasons people hate politics is that truth is rarely a politician's objective. Election and power are." Cal Thomas As Joshua Freedman, the CEO for 6 Seconds says the first duty of EQ is to contribute to make changes for good and into positive changes. If a politician is able to be more empathetic, to really connect with people and to lead him or herself by noble goals, then that kind of politician is much needed in his community and by his followers. Also a politician has the enormous responsibility to inspire and empower the people around him or her, and that is a skill that can be developed through emotional intelligence training.   A new research of power has revealed that power is applied most effectively when it’s used by people who are attuned to and engaged with the needs and interests of others. When it comes to power, social intelligence—reconciling conflicts, negotiating, smoothing over group tensions—prevails over social evolution. Stay tuned to find out more...