028 What can a politician expect from EQ training?


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EQ for World Leaders Podcast | Emotional Intelligence | Politics | Leadership | Empathy | Decision making | Make an Impact

News & Politics

In this and the next 6 episodes we are looking closer into the role emotional intelligence plays in politics. I am answering the most common 10 questions people are not asking us, but should and the question I am answering today is:   What can a politician expect from the fact of training his/her EQ?   Before I answer today’s question, I want to share today’s quote which is from Plato and it goes like this: "Bad politicians are sent to Washington by good people who don't vote." William E. Simon 1. You are going to be more able to perceive relevant emotional information from the people around you that you might have missed. And this information sometimes can be critical to tune in with other people. 2. You are going to be able to empathize and emotionally mirror with people is something that will make you closer to others and even preferred by others. We like people that we feel are understanding how we feel. 3. You will be able to choose the right emotional state given the situation so that you can take better decisions, manage properly a situation or transmit the correct emotional information to make positive change.   4. You will be able to calm yourself down and/or encourage yourself in difficult situations, you will be able to “swim” and keep your head above the water when struggling. Panicking is never a good choice when you are facing a difficult decision, and we don’t want politicians have their decisions blurred by their fears. Tune in to find out more...