034 How would the world look like if everyone would practice emotional intelligence


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EQ for World Leaders Podcast | Emotional Intelligence | Politics | Leadership | Empathy | Decision making | Make an Impact

News & Politics

In this episode we are looking closer into the role emotional intelligence plays in politics. I am answering the most common 10 questions people are not asking us, but should and the question I am answering today is:   How would the world be if everyone would practice EQ?   Before I answer today’s question, I want to share today’s quote which is from Plato and it goes like this: The activist is not the man who says the river is dirty. The activist is the man who cleans up the river. Ross Perot Well, it probably still won’t be perfect, but everyone would work on it to become perfect.   By practicing EQ we would easily overcome all the instinctual behavior like anger, fear, guilt, shame, rejection and we could teach our brain to switch to compassion, enthusiasm, motivation, trust, integrity, humbleness.