059 Drew McManus From Satsang Gets Vulnerable


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Badass Spiritual Warriors

Religion & Spirituality

Curious what I offer?  Janelle's website: https://www.janelleklander.com/  Check out The 5 Simple Shifts to Finally Overcome Anxiety at https://get.janelleklander.com/badasswarriors/ ********** I sat down with Drew McManus in my house and he got real vulnerable. I love when people can share it all. I feel inspired and honored to share the space with him. Curious what he said? You'll just have to listen.  And Satang is in the midst of a tour right now. Track 'em down and tell your homies.  Satsang's website: http://www.satsangmovement.com/ Listen: https://open.spotify.com/artist/5q73QGeZGnA3ChVIPxIvyc