09-13-21 10AM Mon Top Five Biblical Reasons for Landownership


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ULECx Market


The value for real estate and the underlying asset, land, has experienced significant growth.  From our understanding based on biblical reasoning that the value of good land will far exceed almost any other commodity.  Those with a dream of owning a home on a good parcel of land will increasingly be unobtainable for many.  Please join us this Monday to hear my thoughts on this subject.  We are delighted to have Wallace Tutt Land Sales Professional of Tutt Land Company share his insight on the farm and timberland acres available in the Birmingham region.Visit with us live each week Monday 10AMclick ULECx.com/conferencecall  205-582-7082or view our archive record of all our calls here.Disclaimer:  All opinion expressed on this podcast including the team and guests are solely their opinions.  Host and guest may maintain positions in the companies and securities discussed. This podcast is for informational purposes only and should not be relied upon as specific investment advice for any individual or organization.