09: Keeping Relationships, Deepen Connections and Impact Lives Through Your Community


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LeadHERship Podcast


"If you see a need, be the one to fill it. You don't have to wait for someone else to make it happen."   I've had some conversations lately with some other women about wishing there were certain events in their area and longing for more community and connection. I was longing for this too. And more now than ever, we are feeling so disconnected because of social media. I'm a firm believer in fellowship and connection. I want to challenge you to get off of social media and to start an event or go to an event to meet people, to build and create that fellowship and community that you are longing for because you will be so radically blessed. People are going to be blessed.   Highlights   How meeting with people and attending events help me feel comforted and step up with my life How hosting events can help keep relationships and deepen connections Incredible ways to show kids how to give back through your community Valuable tools you can use to meet new people and find the right community for you Fun ideas on how to host events in your house   We all have unique gifts, and these gifts are meant to be shared to the community, to do something impactful for the world. So this week, I want to encourage you guys to start small and let's all use our gifts, what we could do, and our resources to give back. There are tons of them out there, waiting for you to invite them, waiting to welcome you to their community. Get offline, get away from your phone, put it down and meet new people this week. I'm so excited for you to be blessed and to be a blessing to others. I want to hear 'how'. Let me know whether it's on IG or in the reviews. Please let me know how you are blessed by doing this, but I'm challenging you. Go get out and go bust people.