1. Mentoring - Why It Is Essential & How To Do It


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Iowa City Church Podcast

Religion & Spirituality

Mentoring is a crucial part of the Christian faith.  "Jethro mentored Moses, who had to face Pharaoh.  Moses, in turn mentored Joshua, who led the conquest of the promise land.  Eli mentored Samuel, who then guided Saul and David, the first kings of Israel.  Elijah mentored Elisha, who confronted wayward kings.  Mordecai mentored Esther, who intervened with King Xerxes, saving her nation from extinction.  Jesus mentored his twelve apostles.  Barnabas mentored Paul, who paid it forward to Timothy, Titus, and many others.  Mentoring was so important to Paul's ministry that in his final letter to young Timothy he pleaded with him to continue the tradition." ~ Mark Moore (Core 52) The reason the Christian faith continues to thrive to this day is because men and women have taken the responsibility of mentoring seriously.  So what about you? In this sermon we will dive into the apostle Paul's teaching from 2 Timothy 2:2 as to why mentoring plays such a vital role in the lives of all Christians.  To help teach us, we are honored to have one of our own, Alex Steele teach from this text.  Give a listen to this practical teaching from someone who knows first hand about the importance of mentorship.  We know you will find it to be helpful!