104: Duchess Meghan's theoretical beauty line, The Cambridges' pub lunch photos disappeared, Duchess Kate learns more about the early years


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Gossip With Celebitchy

News & Politics

Introduction: Minutes 0 to 5 We’ll have another episode out on October 16th and will be off the 23rd. Thank you to all our new and old subscribers! I watched Squid Game and loved it. Chandra has been watching Billions, which just ended season five. Royals: Minutes 5:00 to 20:30 It felt kind of flat in royals news this week since Harry and Meghan’s tour, but we got a lot of stories nitpicking them as usual. The Daily Mail speculated that Meghan must be doing a beauty line since Harry and Meghan took a private plane to New York owned by the infomercial company Guthy-Renker. Chandra assumed that they just rented the plane but it turns out that Harry and Meghan know the head of the company, Bill Guthy, and that they possibly did the Oprah interview on his estate. If Meghan started a beauty line we would definitely buy her stuff. There’s also speculation that they could move to New York. I play a segment from Zoom where Karen, Courtney and Lisa talk about this, including Dan Wootton's column claiming Harry needs to resign from Netflix due to the Diana musical. The Cambridges likely asked The Sun to delete the photo of them out at lunch that came out on the Sunday after the Sussexes NY Tour. The Sun seemed to have their permission to post it along with a sugary writeup but the photos were deleted with no fanfare a couple of days later. The story remained available at The Sun. Chandra thinks the Cambridges hated being called out for it and that’s why they wanted the photos taken down. There have been all these weird embiggening pieces about the Cambridges claiming that they’re down to earth and that they still hang out with their school friends. Battle of Brothers author, Robert Lacey, claimed that William had “broken the cycle” of marital problems in the royal family by sticking with Kate essentially. This reminds me of Dan Wootton’s quote that Kate and William would stay together as long “as they’re both alive.” Lacey made it sound like the Cambridges are just staying together for the kids. Kate went to University College London’s Centre for Longitudinal Studies, which has done research on child development for decades. Kate has the Royal Foundation Centre for Early Childhood which she announced in mid June, but we didn’t hear much about it afterwards. After her visit to University College London, there was a piece in People Magazine that made it sound like Kate was responsible for the research from the university. Everything is centered around Kate instead of the research and children. Katie Couric: Minutes 20:30 to 27:15 We’ve heard excerpts from Katie Couric’s upcoming memoir, Going There, and she sounds like a terrible person. In the first excerpt we heard that Katie refused to mentor other women because she saw them as competition. She also said that Ashleigh Banfield was the next big thing and that she didn’t mentor her on purpose. Ashleigh, who works at News Nation now, responded to that and said she was hurt by it. She later realized that Katie likely sabotaged her career. In other excerpts Katie is sympathetic to Matt Lauer. She also made her nanny out to be awful and claimed the nanny was trying to ruin her marriage to Jay Monahan, who passed away in 1998. In response the nanny talked to The Daily Mail and detailed what a piece of work Katie was. Comments: Minutes 27:15 to end Chandra’s comment of the week is by Amy Bee on the post about how Kate was “supporting research.” My comment of the week is from Bookie on the post where Meghan Trainor said she had toilets installed side by side so she could pee next to her husband. Thanks for listening bitches!