105: Jerry Ladd & Jim Babcock - Implementing Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity solutions in Federal Contracting Arena


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Govcon Giants Podcast


Our guests for this week’s episode are the President and CEO of CIWRX. CIWRX has people, processes and technology to create full life-cycle business and technology solutions, customized for each organization. With access to business and technology leaders, they help businesses thrive in the most hostile business climate. Jerry and Jim who have been in technology for multiple decades are now combining their skill sets to leverage their knowledge of Artificial Intelligence and bring that into the federal contracting arena. With access to more than 50 patents, their solutions are currently being tested by several agencies for applicable / practical use in the federal sector. Their decades of work in Business Continuity Planning and Disaster Recovery are especially timely during and after this coronavirus pandemic. As a sought-after consultant, they help organizations harden their security infrastructure. Jim has also given seminars and training in the Darknet, Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies. Stay tuned to learn all about CIWRX and how you can harness an idea or invention, and start your technology company doing federal business.