105 - Trapping Harvest and Historical Data


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Coyote Trapping School Podcast


In this week’s episode I dig into some trapper survey data and find some historical data of trapper harvest from several different states, some dating back to the 1930s.  It is very interesting data and highlights how important it is for trappers to accurately respond to those surveys.  Our game agencies rely on us for good data, and if we don’t provide it to them then they don’t have good data to manage the resource with.     To get your hands on a Shortliner Trapping Bag visit - https://www.coyotetrappingschool.com/product/shortliner-trapping-bag/  Trapping season is coming quickly, be sure to get your supplies from Kaatz Bros Lures, www.kaatzbros.com and email me with questions or podcast ideas kris@coyotetrappingschool.com  Trappers Academy - https://www.coyotetrappingschool.com/trappers-academy-now-open/ Data Links discussed -  https://www.michigan.gov/documents/dnr/2018_michigan_furbearer_harvest_survey_report_678251_7.pdf https://www.ncwildlife.org/Trapping/Learn-Resources/Surveys-Reports https://www.iowadnr.gov/Hunting/Population-Harvest-Trends https://www.inhs.illinois.edu/files/6515/5138/2740/2017-2018_Trapper_Report_FINAL.pdf https://www.pgc.pa.gov/InformationResources/MediaReportsSurveys/AnnualWildlifeManagementReports/Documents/11101-17z.pdf