107: EBP for Blenderized Tube Feedings - Melissa Blandford, MS, RD, LDN


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First Bite: A Speech Therapy Podcast


Guest: Melissa Blandford, MS, RD, LDN - In this episode Michelle is joined by Melissa Blandford - Development Manager for Real Food Blends for the East Coast. Melissa, who has over 20 years of experience working with enteral pediatric patients in the home setting, as well as with DME companies to assist with billing, insurance, and trouble shooting use and approval of enteral feedings in the home setting, is here for an hour to discuss all things EBP for Blenderized Tube Feedings (BTF). Have you worked with a little one with a tubie who has struggled with constipation, retching, GERD management issues? How about the little ones that also struggle with the sugar crashes between tube feedings…because their commercial tube feeds are primarily a “-ose” as in “fructose” or “sucrose”? Well then join Michelle and Melissa for an hour of sugarfree delight while they fill your cup with evidence behind the need for putting real food in a tube!