#11 Ed Rowell - 5 Keys to Successful Succession Planning


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Russell Verhey


Ed Rowell is a successful leadership coach and consultant in Colorado Springs. He worked 30+ years leading non-profits and the last 5 years in consulting with construction executives. Today, through Ed's consulting practice, he helps executes and business owners successfully navigate the challenges of succession.   His interest in leadership began when he wrote for a leadership magazine. He was introduced to true leaders that inspired him to become involved in the leadership community. He talked with me about passing the baton and relationships when it comes to leadership roles. He gives us some insight into what a trusted handoff looks like and additionally his definition of “Wealth”. Ed gives us some insight into the work he has done and some of the wisdom he has gained along the way. 5 Keys to Successful Succession Planning You can only measure potential by how a person responds to the opportunity Don’t wait too long or be afraid to let go The relationship is just as important as the task Self-reflection is an important part of being in a leadership role Having honest conversations about expectations is vital Key Questions from this episode: When do you start thinking about succession planning? What keeps people from a successful succession transition? What does a healthy handoff look like? What are some of the things you've done to help leaders navigate some of this? (Leaving behind the leadership role and what it means for them personally) You can reach Ed at ERowell@fminet.com