#114: Podcast Updates + Finding Pleasure


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In this episode I’m sharing why we must balance our results with pleasure, and why every endeavor we engage in doesn’t always have to give us a result, other than the pure enjoyment of having done it. I’ll be sharing how this affects the podcast and what unconventional activity I’m going to find pleasure in to balance out the massive results I’ve ticked off in 2020. LATEST ANNOUNCEMENTS:  Want to learn what it really takes to release stress 10X FASTER? Then you don’t want to miss this FREE Masterclass where I teach you: The SPECIFIC critical mistakes every Stressed Out Success is making that is keeping them in an endless cycle of stress with nothing to show for. The 3 powerful shifts needed in order to finally stop being a stressed out Leader. An EASY formula you can use to break that negative thinking (that works like a charm)! Plus, you’ll learn all about the Stressproof Method and how Executives and Leaders around the world are applying it to achieve massive results in their lives. For instant access head on over to https://www.stressproofpodcast.com/freemasterclass  Watched the training and ready to go deeper? Get the support you need to melt away stress faster than ever before so that you can shine at work like you know you’re capable of and get BACK to enjoying your life with the people you love! There are two ways to work with Susan. To learn more click here at www.stressproofpodcast.com/coaching. See you inside. If you enjoyed the podcast, would you please consider leaving a short review on Apple Podcasts/iTunes? It takes less than 60 seconds, and it really makes a difference in helping to convince non-listeners to click play so that we can all stress LESS. I also love reading the reviews! In This Episode You’ll Hear: Why I’m scaling back the frequency of the podcast What this new container is introducing Looking forward to failing on purpose Stretching my brain to think in new ways Why we must balance results with pleasure The difference between burnout of the mind and burnout from results May VIP coaching opportunity at www.stressproofpodcast.com/master-urges Questions to ask yourself and how to find pleasure And much more! Sign up for Susan’s email newsletter (“Weekend Wellness”) at stressproofpodcast.com/email. Follow Susan: Instagram: instagram.com/susanchoiwellness Facebook: facebook.com/susanchoiwellness Pinterest: pinterest.com/susanchoiwellness