12: Hearing Changes - the impact on your mental and physical health


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Healthcare on the Costa Del Sol


This week is the last episode of Season 1 of Healthcare on the Costa del Sol! Whew, it's been a huge learning curve over the last 6 months and we have had such fabulous feedback from our lovely listeners. We are taking the rest of the summer off to regroup, rethink and will be back in the Autumn with new ideas, new voices and some interesting new ideas. Now back to this episode where we are joined by Peter Ormrod our resident audiologist (https://www.thebodyworksclinic.com/audiology/) talking about hearing changes and how these can have an impact on our physical and mental health.  When we can't hear well we miss out on so much feedback from the world around us which makes it hard for our body to know what's happening (walking on gravel sounds different to walking on grass for instance) and also means we miss out on so much of the social interaction that goes on around us. When we can't hear well the telephone becomes useless, spoken instructions from doctors about medications or other critical information gets missed and parties? Well, they're just a miserable experience, you miss the jokes and the fun.  Combined this can have a huge impact on your health and wellbeing, both mental and physical, being lonely, not getting help when you need it cos it's just too hard . . . .