123. What If The Suicide Squad Met Y The Last Man?


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Meanwhile At The Podcast


Kristin's husband Rich returns yet again to fill in for Rodney. This week we discuss What If, The Suicide Squad, American Horror Story, the upcoming Cowboy Bebop and Y The Last Man, and a whole bunch of comics. All this plus meeting listeners and fellow podcasters in person and a heckuva lot more. THE SUICIDE SQUAD SPOILERS START AT 1:11:00 Please subscribe, share, rate and review the show. Thank you for all your comments on Twitter and Instagram. https://twitter.com/@MeanwhileATP https://www.instagram.com/meanwhileatp http://www.meanwhileatthepodcast.libsyn.com  https://www.facebook.com/meanwhileatthepodcast Rodney (AKA Art Nerrd): https://www.instagram.com/theartnerrd https://twitter.com/@artnerrd https://www.facebook.com/artnerrd https://shop.spreadshirt.com/artnerrd Kristin: https://www.instagram.com/klu4973 https://twitter.com/@klu4973