16 – Peter Schlactus – The Westchester Airport, (and FCWC Part 3)


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In Part 3 of my series related to the Federated Conservationists of Westchester County, better known as FCWC, I interview Peter Schlactus, who co-founded the Coalition to Prevent Westchester Airport Expansion. Peter grew up in Westchester, left for school, graduated from Harvard and returned after a time to help with the family business. However, like many who live near the airport, he was concerned about its potential for growth and its risks to the environment and Westchester communities, so he got involved, first participating in specific community mobiliziation efforts against airport expansion plans. Now he Chairs the Westchester County Airport Advisory Board and his Village Airport Council. Through our conversation, I found that he was very thoughtful and extremely perceptive. He understood that issues like the growth of an airport are complicated, there are more than a few perspectives, and that how we choose a path forward matters- at least if we care about where we want to end up. He provided me new insights that I had never considered. I hope you find him as engaging as interesting as I did.