#17 - auGi - Storytelling from a SexyNurd


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How You REALLY Doin'?


auGi is how he spells his name, it's not a typo, and yes, I believe he is cool enough to not only pull off one name but spell it however he wants. auGi is a man of many talents… Dare I say a Renaissance man. He's a musician, a comedian, a graphic artist, a writer, a performer, he’s traveled the world and he's one helluva storyteller. He has written and performed his own one-man show, called SexyNurd, about his life’s desire to be a rock star commingled with his experience with MS.  auGi doesn't have MS but his experience runs deep as his mom lived with it for 34 years and it is in her memory that he brings all his amazingly wonderful talents to the MS cause.  auGi is the Vice President of Marketing and Events for the Oregon Chapter of the MS Society. As you’ll hear, he literally changed his career and his life’s direction because he doesn’t want others to suffer with MS like his mom did. You can also learn more about auGi on his blog at www.stopmakingthatnoise.com (spoiler alert...you will learn auGi's last name but don't let that destroy how cool I think he is)