1815 - Spotlight on Nick Fury


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Comic Geek Speak Podcast - The Best Comic Book Podcast


From his Lee and Kirby origins and the best eyepatch in comics, to The Howling Commandos, to Steranko's iconic take, all the way to Original Sin, the Infinity Formula and beyond, nobody has been a part of more facets of the Marvel Universe than Nick Fury. It took a group of four geeks, including Spotlight Maestro Chris Eberle, Shane, Ian and Murd, gathered together in one undisclosed location (okay fine, it's disclosed, it was the CGS Studio) to make this Spotlight happen! And for those paying attention, this one is at least five years in the making. So get in your flying car, put on your stealth suit with as many pouches as you can possibly fit, put that eyepatch on the correct eye, and join in on the action; if you're tough enough. (3:17:19)