188 Onboarding and Retaining People


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Inspiring Greatness


Welcome to episode 188! We began the People Decision series on episode 184 with Core Values and episode 185 on how to assess your staff based on Topgrading principals A, B, or C players. Episode 186 was about how to build Scorecards to hire based on competencies and accountability. Last week we gave in depth step by step process on how to attract, interview and decide on who to hire. Throughout this series we have provided awesome free resources on how develop Core Values a Topgrading eGuide compliments of Brad Smart, an in depth spreadsheet called Employee Evaluations Activity, Job Scorecard templates as well as, a cheat sheet on how to hire “A Players”! Episode 188 will conclude the People Decision series with Onboarding and Retaining People in your company. MAxum Corporation - Inspiring Greatness Show Notes: http://maxumcorp.com.au/podcasts/