1882: Everyday Innovator Spotlight — How to Drive Company-wide Innovation


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Inside LaunchStreet


We’re adding in a new format to the podcast to highlight Everyday Innovators like you who are doing phenomenal things in terms of real-world innovation! Innovation is not just something that is reserved for the select, amazing few — it’s about thinking differently about what’s in front of you to create an advantage, and we want to showcase the companies and people who are pushing the envelope in their jobs, industries, and markets.   In this episode, we have Sean Richard, Innovation Leader at Schneider Electric, to share with us how his organization has really embraced the idea that innovation is everybody’s business inside the company. At Schneider, innovation can come from the most unlikely of places, from the most unexpected teams. That’s because the culture of innovation is built into the DNA of the company, and is encouraged at all levels, across all teams. It’s how they operate, it’s how they look to the future to stay competitive, and it’s how they surprise and delight their clients, over and over again.   Richard shares some examples of innovative ideas that have come forth from unlikely places, and how other members of the team have responded to this. He also explains why at Schneider, winning business is not about lowering prices – it’s about adding value, and how that drives innovation. We also dig into Schneider’s innovation playbook and portal that serve to promote innovation, why a culture of innovation is so important, and how Sean has pushed for a more human-centered approach at Schneider.   If you are ready to: get buy-in from key decision-makers on your next big idea be a high-impact, high-value member that ignites change foster a culture of innovation where everyone on your team is bringing innovative ideas that tackle challenges and seize opportunities… Join us on LaunchStreet — gotolaunchstreet.com   Mentioned in This Episode: IQE Assessment Innovation is Everybody’s Business: How to Ignite, Scale, and Sustain Innovation for Competitive Edge, by Tamara Ghandour (Pre-Order) Sean Richard on LinkedIn Schneider Electric