19 - Centipedal Shrimp Hook


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We're back! Dave is tall and has teeth like chicklets. Mike is small and has tattoos like Wolverine stamps. Pizzapizzapizza! Choking on chocolate. Quantifying animation with Bee Chelse. Mike is missing Omni. Bee is black-half. Willy Whakka hangs out with Fonzie. Dave is passionate about Felicia Rashad & Gerard Depardue. Baby hooking. The story of baby hook shrimping. Measuring gentlemen's heads. Pony loves her peanut butter more than life: the song. Mike shows off his reading voice. Silly bobbles. Bee lives for the thrill of a filthy story. Mike gets a physical. PLEDGE DRIVE! Dinotales: it's for kids! Mike has rat eyes. Strawberry Pancake Mountain. Batterism is dead.