1917 Review


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No One Can Hear You Stream Podcast

TV & Film

Join us (Kayla & Matthew) as we discuss our thoughts on 1917. 1917 -During World War I, two British soldiers -- Lance Cpl. Schofield and Lance Cpl. Blake -- receive seemingly impossible orders. In a race against time, they must cross over into enemy territory to deliver a message that could potentially save 1,600 of their fellow comrades -- including Blake's own brother. Itunes Playlist: https://music.apple.com/us/playlist/no-one-can-hear-you-stream/pl.u-yZyVE6VTYyq7qq7 Spotify Playlist:https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6P9LDlyrz69EBQKEqF3N8u Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCT05QxQ_lT6T0l9j4lqKjtQ Twitter: @noonecanhearyo1https://twitter.com/Noonecanhearyo1?lang=es Instagram: https://instagram.com/noonecanhearyoustream?igshid=b15v2zqui2al