#2: Satanic Beatles & Paul McCartney's Clone


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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies


In this episode we discuss The Beatles and how they're definitely super Satanic and not just a bunch of adorable edge lords. Also did you know Paul McCartney died in the 60s and was replaced with a body double? We also talk about backmasking in music, but of course. Clare knew pretty much nothing about The Beatles coming into this (aside from "the Helter Skelter stuff") so Stormy blows her fucking mind and it's a good ol' time. We also briefly touch on the recent election, the Fresno Nightcrawler cryptid, Amazon acquiring Whole Foods for $13.7 million, Lorde's onion ring Instagram account and Nihilist Arby's, and we follow up from our last episode where we briefly touch on Katy Perry's recent therapy session/interview and getting carried off stage after "fainting" at a live show. Visit the blog for extensive show notes & links: https://www.calicopodcasts.com/realeyes/episode2