2- The Creative Adult


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Art Spot with Anne Manera


"The creative adult is the child who survived." -- Ursula Leguin In today’s podcast episode we are talking about how much easier it was to be creative when you were a child. Have you ever wondered why kids are much more creative than adults? Children are blessed with the ability to believe that anything is possible. what is adults we've been shown what is not possible so unfortunately those are possibilities can often times get in the way of our creativity. Easiest thing to do is to think like a child. Sounds pretty simple right but when you think about it a child's imagination is never criticized. And as adults often times we bring up an idea but we sort of with our imagination and we are criticized it doesn't work when we are embarrassed  to talk about it. We don't allow ourselves to have fun. we sometimes even start rules for ourselves I can go do the fun thing after I get all my chores done. Sound familiar?