20 - LBJ, Advisors Discuss Whether to Make Public Nixon's Treason


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News & Politics

Noon on Monday, November 4, 1968. Eve of the 1968 election. LBJ at his ranch, discusses with top advisers, Secretary of State Dean Rusk and Secretary of Defense Clark M. Clifford, how to respond to continued interference in Vietnam War peace talks by figures associated with the Nixon administration. LBJ was forced by Nixon and South Vietnamese diplomats to make a decision similar to one Obama apparently had to make about the 2016 election, about whether to make public intelligence of what might be treason by a Republican presidential candidate. Transcript/more background here: prde.upress.virginia.edu/conversations/4006128   Songs: Boards of Canada, 'Chromakey Dreamcoat' Jamie xx, 'Hold Tight' Trentemøller, 'Shades of Marble'