2019-20 NFL Fantasy Gameshow #2: Dying Quarterback Breeds, Weird Sex Stories, and more Dyslexia From Kyle


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Fulfill My Fantasy


The world’s possible first and only Fantasy Sports Gameshow is back pushing the podcast boundaries and bringing new flavor in ya ear recorded from the sex dungeon. We bring to you our end of the year Fantasy Football episode to enjoy during these NFL playoff games. This episode includes everything from jump ropes being used as sex toys to somewhat intelligible debates about some of Fantasy Football’s important topics including the possible death of the statue white quarterback and the importance of matchups to player talent. As if you care about our opinion on those things. Tim STILL fighting through a questionable tag but not a hemorrhoid this time, just symptoms of stupidity hosts this episode with our infamous useless drug abuser griego as the “researcher” and Steve, Kyle, and Anthony as panelists again as we start off the epi talking when, where, and what is the best place to masturbate in your own home and other people’s home. In which Kyle turns the discussion into a way of promoting his sex cult that has no one in it and his awkward yet entertaining sex stories. Segway into our First Take about as we discuss if quarterbacks like Philip Rivers and Matt Ryan will now be considered a dying breed and Lamar Jackson will be the norm. We then head into Game #1 My Name is My Name a game supposed to give out a decent amount of clues, but Anthony’s college sports knowledge shortens the game. Game #2 F***ed By Fantasy #FBYF Kyle’s illiteracy and dyslexia shine through here and the homer cowboys fanship of Anthony is something a lot of you listeners can relate too. Game #3 The House Always Wins where we argue if it’s more important to have the best matchup or the better player talent week to week, sort of like our love life. If your still a fan or for some odd reason want to be one. You know the deal Subscribe, Download, Rate, Review, Follow, Care…. or don’t.