2021.07.04 Henry Simpson (Love & Authenticity: The Marks of the Church)


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Grace Christian Church Sermons

Religion & Spirituality

Today we have a guest speaker who has taken the time to record a message about GCC's 6th Core Value. Henry looks at several things regarding how we, as the church, can make an impact for the kingdom of God through our supernatural identity as God's children. That our love would be real and our motivation genuine ans we seek to show the love of Jesus to the world. That our Core Value of: "Love & authenticity—to permeate relationships across all genders, cultures, generations and socio-economic status." would be a reality and not a 'hopeful wish.' To watch the service please click the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZNrrnKpN-d8&t=2316s Have a blessed day brothers & sisters!!