21: Thou Shalt Pursue Quality


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Guided Visualization, Meditation, Law of Attraction, Goal Setting for Real Estate Investors


Today's guided visualization is centered around Commandment #16: Thou Shalt Pursue Quality. One of the traps that many new investors fall into is rushing to buy, and purchasing investments of marginal quality. Frequently, this also involves partnering with people of marginal quality to find the deals. The unfortunate part of all this is that it is unnecessary. Quality deals and quality people are out there to be found. The trick is that they need to be found … you can’t expect them to come find you. The reason for this is because the best people spend their time doing business, not turning the crank to try and reel in more inexperienced customers. What this ultimately means to us as investors is that we must put in the work to find quality. This consists of two distinct parts that are equally important. The first is that we must learn what quality looks like so that we can recognize when a good deal is available. The second is that we must be patient to wait until quality deals become available. Website: www.JasonHartman.com/Properties