#233: Are You Picking at Your Wounds? 


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Own Your Choices Own Your Life


#233: Are You Picking at Your Wounds?  In this Friday Facts episode, I am sharing my thoughts on picking at our wounds as opposed to learning how to let them heal. Picking at our wounds doesn’t allow them to change or heal and it keeps us stuck in a toxic pool of emotions and little room for growth.  Allowing our wounds to heal means that we are in a space of looking at our wounds with perspective and seeing our wounds in a different light.  This is where the change begins.   In today’s episode we discuss:1) Start with awareness of what your wound is, how you feel about it and being honest if you are picking at it and not allowing it to heal? 2) Imagine how it could be if you let your wounds heal and use that energy to speak, grow and create the energy to do something with your wounds that have healed.  This is an incredibly powerful space to live from and this is where the impact is greater! Schedule your Impact Call to make 2021 the year you Own Your Story, build your platform business and monetize your passion! https://calendly.com/mvanwyn761/impact-call,  Marsha Vanwynsberghe — Author, Speaker and Life CoachMarsha is the 6-time Bestselling Author of “When She Stopped Asking Why”.  She shares her lessons as a parent who dealt with teen substance abuse far past the level of normal experimentation. Through her programs, coaching and live events for women, Marsha is on a mission to teach you how to “Own Your Choices” in your own life.  She teaches women how to own their stories, lead themselves and pay it forward to others by creating businesses that serve, support and impact others