25. Floydd Patric Wood - Personal branding, finding your philosophy and establishing balance between yin and yang


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Mostly Yoga - with Aaron Tan


From the sweaty practice of Bikram to the subtle side with yin, Floydd’s journey with yoga reminds us just how important balancing yin with the yang can be in our daily lives. As a branding strategist by trait, Floydd reveals his thoughts on personal branding as a yogi, the downsides of social media and its impact on yoga, as well as the importance of finding your own teaching (and personal) philosophy as a newly graduated yoga teacher. ------------------------------------ Follow Floydd on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/floy2d/ ------------------------------------ SUPPORT THE PODCAST :) https://ko-fi.com/mostlyyoga  FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/aaaroning/ https://www.instagram.com/mostlyyogapodcast/ ------------------------------------ SHOUTOUT TO OUR SPONSORS  BC FLOWSTATE (Movement and Fitness Coach) Rediscover the way you move, feel and perform through the use of natural and authentic movements that can help you build strength, regain mobility and reconnect yourself with your physical body.  INSTAGRAM:  https://www.instagram.com/bc_flowstate/ RED DOT CHILLI PEPPERS (For the love of all things spicy on our little red dot!) The magnum opus of a local chef, this chilli serves up more than just a spicy kick. It's sweet, sour, umami and keeps you going back for more! Perfect for dipping and marinading all kinds of meats and more! ORDER HERE: https://www.instagram.com/reddotchillipeppers/ https://www.facebook.com/reddotchillipeppers/