253. Entitled Business Owners Beware☠️?


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Elevating Beyond with Mark Minard


If your a business owner and you don't WELCOME negative feedback from your clients, then your acting Entitled, which is endangering your entire organization, and you freakin' suck!   Listen to today's show, and let's learn how to not be sucky, entitled, business owners, and become awesome freakin' leaders! On todays show, I share a real life story from my own company, and will explain to you how to be freakin' awesome...here we go! Check Out My New Book, Thank You All So Much For Purchasing, and Sharing! ?? ??????? ??? ???? ???????? ?????: How To Be Freakin’ Awesome At Every Level of Your Business, Leadership, Finances, & Build Your Own Dream Team! ???? ????????? Everywhere? FULL SHOW TRANSCRIPTION Speaker 1: Hey, what is up everyone? First and foremost, I want to say you are freaking awesome. Thank you. As my new book, I'm holding it up here to those of you that are watching on the video, hit the freaking bestsellers list again. 16 Reasons Why Your Business Sucks, how to be freaking awesome at every level of your business leadership profits and build your own dream team. Thank you so much for everything. This has been my life's work. 14 plus years of building my business from the ground up with my team, with my employees, how I did it, how you can do it at every single freaking level. Thank you. Keep sharing it and welcome back to Elevating Beyond with a two word mission statement, change lives, and I'm going to be going into something actually last week I was talking about under pressure and man, that I love you all so much, because this has been such a season for all of us across the world. Speaker 1: And especially as business owners, as leaders at a whole other level, these challenges we've been facing and all this uncertainty. And I talked about so much of that and more on the last episode, I love what all of you are writing me about it. I'm actually probably going to even do a part two from it, but today, listen, I'm talking about something that's important because we hear, I'm holding up right here, even from the book, you can see accountability in action and this whole self-awareness thing, but what does this really really mean? Besides these trending words, when it really applies to your business, to your leadership, to you as the owner, to really hold yourself accountable and to be able to take the right type of what wouldn't just be criticism, but actual wisdom on areas you need to change and grow, versus what would just be negative criticism that's not helpful and useless. Speaker 1: And if your ego is too big where you're like, "No one can ever tell me what to do. I'm the only one that knows everything." And you're not able to get that feedback even when it's not what you want to hear, whether it's from team members and from your freaking customers, who you should be super serving by the way, always, then you'll never go to the next level. So, Oh, I'm popping everyone in here live too from ... See what's up, everyone on Instagram popping all of you in live and I'm giving people a chance here too. As we have our amazing four million listeners, viewers all around the world, to be able to, if I did this the right way, to come in on Instagram live, I might even pull some of you up and allow you to share live on the air as we're talking about, what are some of the biggest struggles and challenges that you're facing in this moment in your business or that you've been facing for years? Speaker 1: And not just fluffy fake stuff, actual in the trenches specific problems. And I'll pull you in, you can type it in, I can pull you on live and we'll talk it out and we'll address them because I tell you everything about it, everything about my book, all that we're doing, it's from 14 plus years of in the trenches experience. And what I was talking about before we pull the live stream in is the ability to not be entitled as the owner, as the leader, but to be able to take that wisdom and what would be that constructive criticism or what's known as feedback of what you don't want to hear versus what you need to hear. Speaker 1: And I see this more and more, especially when it's from your clients who you need to be super serving. You can't have that entitled mindset of "I'm always right, because I'm the owner. And no one can ever tell me how to do it better than myself." Then you'll never go to that next level. Guess what? They'll take their business elsewhere. And I have one example just that I pull up right here from the book, boom. Now the shameless plug, 16 Reasons, baby, Why Your Business Sucks about accountability and action. And I share the whole story of how we built our waterfront lodge for my company, Dreamshine, which serves individuals with developmental disabilities, over 55 now, and what it took to build this waterfront lodge. Like it took years of being turned down by every bank and just going through hell and back, persevering, not giving up, but to create this whole customized building that would be adaptive and amazing for all of our different levels and functioning levels of individuals that we serve, whether they're in wheelchairs, visually impaired, have different autism tendencies at every level. Speaker 1: And to be on the beautiful ... We had it built over the water, so you have a beautiful view of the pond. It's all accessible. And as we were done, we were so excited and we were doing our grand opening and we had more and more clients joining. And I'll never forget, everyone was saying positive things, everyone. And there was one parent that was like, "I love everything about it. This is so great. But with how big this building is, the noise kind of seems to echo. And when everyone's in here, it's kind of loud and people some of our clients have different behaviors and they're sensitive to loud noises." Speaker 1: And I could have been like, my ego could have been like, "How dare you? I've been working for years and years on this to make this the best it can be. And everyone else has said positive things. You must be out of your mind." But I stepped back and listened to her and paid attention and realized, "Oh my gosh, you're right." And first of all, I was like, "Thank you." And she's like, "Don't get me wrong. Everything else is so amazing. I just, I wanted to give you some feedback." And immediately we took action to, and it cost a lot more money to get all of these different soundproofing panels to then soundproof the whole building so that it would help absorb the noise. We even divided it down the line in a different phases, into other rooms as we got more and more of a budget put together. And that was a huge gamechanger right there, yes, it costs more money. It took putting more work in, but guess what? Speaker 1: That's why Dreamshine is the best in the world because we take these things into serious consideration. We care and we don't just listen. And I don't just send them to some random one 800 number, "Oh, voice your concerns here. And we'll just add it into the inbox." We actually take action on it. And why? Because we freaking care and we want to be the best. So yeah, you have to keep doing ongoing what it takes to be the best. And just this little example became a gamechanger and this is our whole mind and set and what your mindset needs to be ongoing is to drop the ego, drop the entitlement, and to be able to take that feedback from your team members, from your clients that you super serve. Speaker 1: And just to make it clear, I'm not talking about the flat-out crazy ones because I have a whole other section in here, which my man, Dr. Bruce wrote me about, who's reading this right now. Bruce, you're awesome. If you're listening, he used to be the CFO Footlocker. He's going to be on the show in the future. And he was saying the section on Ms. Psychopath Face that I wrote about in the book is one of his favorites. That's a whole other issue and that's not the type of person that's going to be giving you actual feedback that's usable. So separate that from there's a place I work with, [Ballay 00:09:22] , that they have a no jerk policy. And if someone's being a belligerent jerk about something and they're just criticizing you and they're not giving you any actual feedback that you can do something with, that's different. Speaker 1: But I'm telling you, you have to be able to take that stuff, not that you want to hear. And you got to have those people around you that tell you what you need to hear to get better. And it's usually going to be the harder thing. It's like, "Man, I just had done all this work to do this. And what? Now you're telling me this, isn't working out and I need to do this." Yes. And guess what? If you don't, you won't make it. That's the difference. But when you do, because you're listening to this because all of you are reading my book, all of you are freaking awesome. All of you are high performers. Then you'll continually keep going to that next level. And there's no magic. You just keep putting the work in. You keep taking action and you just keep moving forward. What's up to everyone that's jumped on here, by the way. Israel, Lucas, Muhammad, Fashiones, Roselind. Speaker 1: So many of you, SKS. I'm trying to see if there was any questions too. If anyone has any questions, SKS is saying, "Being able to take constructive criticism." And that's what I'm talking about. You know, if that's Roslyn, Roselin, what's up. Rockstar. You are the rockstar. God bless you. God bless everyone. And if you were asking about being able to take constructive criticism, what's up Debbie? Who just popped on here. Yes. Like in the same goes, not just if you're the owner or the leader, but no matter where you're working, those that are on my team that continue to grow, that continue to elevate are the ones that are able and mature enough to take criticism. When it's coming from a place of love, which would be considered coaching, we've got to drop all this feeling crap out of the side. Like it's really not about feelings. Speaker 1: I love you enough. I care about you enough that I want to help you and invest my time to make you get better. So you got to be willing to hear things that you suck at. I don't usually word it like that. I'm like, you're awesome here. I love you. You're amazing. But this thing here needs to change and you need to get better in this area. And as you can grow and develop in it. You're going to be able to go to a whole new level. And there's one type of person that will shut down and get passive aggressive. And we're not able to go any further with them, unfortunately, but that's on them, that's not on you. You can do it with love. Speaker 1: And if you're able to take this feedback, this coaching and realize they're investing their time in me because they care. They want to help me get to that next level. And no one knows everything. No one I'm constantly learning. All of us are constantly learning. You have to be willing to grow. You have to have this ongoing confidence that you build. And also you got to be coachable and willing to grow. It takes a combination of all of it. And then there's times, everything contradicts itself, but it all works together and you all get it, if you're doing it. There's times where you, as the leader are going first and you have to be willing to go against all the resistance of everyone saying, "That's crazy. There's no way you can do that." Speaker 1: When I first opened Dreamshine to say, "We're going to do it on this resort like setting for special needs and individuals with developmental disabilities, like nothing that's ever been done," I was 26. And they were like, there's no way you're going to be able to do that. We've been doing it this way for 30 years. Those aren't the people I'm talking about that are giving you constructive criticism. That's where you have to keep following your why and what's within you to keep pressing forward towards that vision. But as you continue to grow and keep going to those next levels, then ongoing, you have to be able to keep learning, to separate when someone's giving you that feedback, that is going to be challenge you to go and grow to that next level. Speaker 1: So all of you that have popped on all of you that have joined, thank you for joining us on the live stream. I'm actually going to figure out Rosa ... I'm going to figure out ... Jerrell, what's up, my man. So many of you, I love you all. I'm going to figure out a way in the future as we're doing more and more of these shows, man, it's been crazy. I haven't had time to relate to a lot of you in a while. Not only have we passed, we have over four billion downloads, but so many different, multiple streams. So many, I can't even count all the countries we're in, it's because all of you. I love all of you. And we're going to be figuring out other ways, even like on this, I would share the Zoom link and I can pull some you up. Your beautiful face will pop somewhere here next to mine. And we can have a conversation back and forth and I'll still be having people here live in the studio. As you know, we do it. I have some surprise guests coming up, but just listen to what I'm saying. Speaker 1: Be able to take that feedback from your clients, drop that ego. From other people and challenge yourself to grow. It's the only way to really super serve and don't be entitled. Your business is a service. It's about super serving your clients. So take that feedback. Keep making it better. Keep making everything better. And people will keep coming back to you for more service. That's what's going to continue to separate you from everyone else. Is it easy? Heck freak no, of course not. We all know that. Is it worth it? Absolutely. And I want to end this off just by telling all of you there's a lot of negativity out there right now. And I just want to let everyone know, listen, keep guarding your mindset. Speaker 1: Don't allow anything, the social media, the media to dictate how you should feel. Don't allow other people or everything else to tell you the way you should feel or what's wrong, or you should always be afraid or you should feel guilty. There's too much crap out there. And I'm telling you right now, keep following your heart. You have to tune more and more of that stuff out and listen. I'm for the human race. I'm for the human race. I love everyone and listen, human beings, we see all this negative stuff. I always say, God is orchestrating. There are so many amazing people out there doing beautiful things. Don't forget that because unity is power. And I say it a lot, we've heard it a lot, but the devil is after your mindset. So he loves to plague us with worry, with fear, with division, with hate, with anger, to separate us more and more and more because when we're unified, we're able to be unstoppable. Speaker 1: So remember this, remember how beautiful so many of the human beings are. Keep those around you in your inner circle that are challenging you with love to grow to that next level. I'm here with you. You're listening to this, you're watching this, the Elevated Beyond family. We got this, never settle, never give up and keep Elevating Beyond.