257: Why is it that only 1 in 1000 Become Missionaries?


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Practical Missions Cohort

Religion & Spirituality

On the Missions Incorporated podcast of PMc we are now doing short topical messages related to missions, evangelism, and apostolic church planting. This first episode deals with a quote from Thomas Hale's book, On Being A Missionary. It's about the fact that 1 in 1000 become missionaries and those who do usually go to already evangelized places.We share our thoughts on this while exhorting our listeners to evaluate what it means to be a disciples of Jesus Christ.Links:PMc AcademiaServeQ&APMc SpeakpipePMc InstagramPMc PodcastPMc BlogPMc YouTubePMc NewslettersPMc FacebookLike Jesus driven to His cross so we drive ourselves to the singular task of the edification (planting) of Biblical churches in Italy.Join us on Nov. 13, 2021 from 10 am to 12 noon EST at VIA - a PMc Missions Webinar! Sign up for free at: www.practicalmissions.org/via By leaving a review for this podcast you can help us to spread the word about the need for the gospel to go forward in Italy and the numerous ways of involvement via PMcApple Podcast ReviewSupport the show (https://www.practicalmissions.org/donate)