2.6 Renaissance and Reformation


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Emancipation Podcast Station


Renaissance and Reformation               Spanish and Portuguese Empires: get out of my ocean   Gabe The Spanish and Portuguese are kind of the start to a lot of global trade but more so the Portuguese empire because they were more interested in trade then acquiring land and so what they would do is set up these things called factories which were a lot like warehouses for trading outposts and they set these up along there trade route which went from portugal all the way to the bottom of africa and back up to japan which was the route vasco da gama created and they found that the chinese wanted silver to reinforce there paper money and they saw this as a great trade opportunity and they would go and trade china's goods of basically anything for silver from japan to china   Ben - During the Spanish golden age, are and literature flourished. This was also during the Italian Renaissance, around the year 1492. The same year that Christopher Columbus discovered America. A famous European artist of this time was Diego Velázquez. He made various works for the royals of Spain that showcased his immense skill in talent.   Ella - In America, people often worked on plantations and in mines. The work they did was really harsh and difficult that sometimes people would die doing it.  But it resulted in a large increase in production. And with that came the need for more labor so they began to use enslaved africans which brought West Africa into these trading networks and relationships with the spanish and portuguese.   Audrey -  In 1598 a fleet of Dutch ships left the Netherlands to trade. A sailor aboard one of these ships was an Englishman named William Adams. The fleet sailed down the coast of Africa and made a stop off the coast of West Africa to trade, and this was very common for the European ships at the time. When they left there they sailed around South America ending up off the coast of Peru. At this point William Adams began keeping a journal and it says “It was agreed that we should leave the coast of Peru and direct our course for Japan. Having understood that cloth was good merchandise there and also how upon that coast of Peru the king’s ships were out seeking us.” The king that Adams was referring to was the king of Spain and this worried the fleet because Peru was a Spanish colony at the time and Spain and the Netherlands were at war. This just shows how interconnected the economy was at the time with how they new where a place was how to get there and what items would be beneficial to trade there. (Sorry its so long) Emma - Prior to the beginning of the African slave trade, certain areas in Africa already held an important role in the Renaissance era global economy. West Africa in particular, played a part in the Spanish and Portuguese trade of items such as gold and ivory, as well as some spices. All of these items were highly desired by people of many cultures and were seen as symbols of wealth and luxury.   Skylar - William Adams sailed from West Africa to Peru, to Japan. When they arrived in Japan the Emperor put Adams in prison. These Portuguese Priests were in Japan and were trying to get the emperor to agree to let William Adams out of prison. Finally the Emperor agreed and said he would trade with him, but he had to help his army build ships.   Ethan- In Brazil their economic power comes from their sugar plantations towards the north. This changed when they struck gold in 1693. This was found inward on Brazil in the region of Minas Gerais.  Them finding gold triggered the Americans desire to find gold in America. This struck down Brazil’s financial status for most of the 18th century. Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment: Gabe - The Scientific Revolution started around the early 1500s when copernicus says hey what if we aren't the center of attention what if the sun and we are revolving around it and not it around us which questions everything they believed and this kind of ended around the late 1600s when newton publishes the principia which describes our universe and around this time people began to question old beliefs that had been around since forever which began the Age of Enlightenment Ben - The Age of Enlightenment was also called the Age of Reason. Historians from France usually place this period at around 1715, but other historians from around the world think it happened in around 1620. Corresponding with the scientific revolution. Ella - The reasons the Enlightenment started was not only because we had new tools of thinking but that it was almost a responsibility of the society now that they had scientific information that they could apply to there current information. Audrey - The Age of Enlightenment was a very philosophical time when people really started questioning their rights and their obligations especially considering their social status, like why this person had the right to rule why others had to be slaves and why the upper class could own them.   Emma - During this new philosophical era, many “modern” philosophers began to emerge. One of these was John Locke, the writer of the Second Treatise Concerning Civil Government. This document expressed his beliefs on how people should treat one anGovernmentother. For example, one passage said this; “...when his own preservation comes not in competition, ought he, as much as he can, to preserve the rest of mankind, and may not, unless it be to do justice on an offender, take away, or impair the life, the liberty, health, limb, or goods of another.” This kind of thinking was growing larger in popularity during this time.   Ethan- The Scientific Revolution with things like the heliocentric theory that we use today. This was the first theory that said the universe revolved around something other than the Earth. The barometer was also invented during this time. The bifocal lens was also a great invention because it let people have the ability to see both far and near.7. Skylar - im going to talk about Thomas Hobbes. Thomas was a english writer, who was inspired by experimental attitude toward nature and decided to apply it to politics.  In 1651 he wrote Leviathan, a title he chose after the sea monster from the Book of Job. Thomas thought that humans in their original state of nature were unhappy. He supported an absolute monarch government, but didn’t support the Divine Right theory government. He didn’t support that kind of government because he believed that you need protection from yourself.   Mughal rule in India:   Gabe - The Mughal Rule Starts in Samarkand around early 1500s which babur who is Timur's great grandsons grandson tries taking and fails and he tries to take Fergana and fails and he does this a couple times before he goes to Kabul and conquers it in the early 1600s which after taking Kabul he starts focusing on more India then he does Asia and he even later on defeated Ibrahim Lodi at Delhi taking control over northern india.    Ella - One of the rulers Humayun had trouble retaining power because of multiple family rivalries. Eventually the Pashtun Suri dynasty dethrones him. He was able to regain control for a while with the help from the safavids but unfortunately tripped on a staircase and died.   Audrey - Shah Jahan was the son of Jahangir therefor Akbar’s grandson and he lived from 1592-1666 AD. Where both Akbar and Jahangir were said to be very tolerant rulers Shah Jahan was known to be considerably less tolerant. His rule was known as the golden age of Mughal architecture one of his greatest structures being the Taj Mahal. It was built in the 1630’s in Agra which at some point was the capitol. Shah Jahan had the Taj Mahal built as a home for the body of his wife who had died just before.   Emma - The Mughal Empire was an example of an Indo-Persian culture, a combination of both the Indian and Persian cultures of the surrounding areas. Examples of this can be seen in art and architecture of the time period which showed influences from both of these distinct cultures.   Ethan- The Mughal Empire was the 3rd largest empire on the Indian subcontinent to ever exist, alongside the British Indian Empire and the Maurya Empire. This empire expanded 4 million square kilometers.  The largest expansion of this empire was when Aurangzeb ruled, with over 150 million subjects.   Skylar - In 1483 Babur is born, who becomes the leader of Fergana at age 12. He tries to take over multiple different places, and never won. Finally in the early 16th century he is able to take control over Kabul. When akbar became the leader he was able to add quite a bit more territory to the Mughal empire.   Sikhism:  Gabe - Sikhism starts in punjab around the time that the Mughals are coming into power with a man named guru Nanak and his followers are called sikhs which is from the sanskrit word sikh which means to learn Ella - Eventually The Sikhs have a large increase in following from Hindus and Muslims. Jahangir becomes threatened by them so he decides to imprison and torture Guru Arjan in an attempt to make him convert to Islam. Despite being boiled and tortured he would not consent and he eventually died.kicking in the basement guess who Audrey - Guru Arjan played an important part in Sikhism with the making of the Adi Granth which is a compilation of the sayings and hymns from previous gurus including his own so essentially the holy book of Sikhism. Guru Arjan also built the Harmandir Sahib in Ramdaspur a place later known as Amritsar which was intended as a place of worship for people of all religions and they had the tradition of Langar where they would feed anyone from any faith. The Harmandir Sahib would later be known as the Golden Temple after Raja had it plated with gold and it is now the largest free kitchen in the world. Skylar - The Sikhism is started in the 15th century by Guru Nanak. Guru was born into a merchant class Hindu family, he was precocious especially when talking about spirituality, meaning he was extremely religious. Emma - The Bhakti Movement of the Mughal Empire was a major influence of the development of Sikhism. The Bhakti Movement was a theistic that originated from Hinduism in Medieval times. However, it was not a direct branch from the movement. Ethan- All Sikh believe that faith and meditation are essentials in their lives. They also believe in divine unity and equality of humankind. Now there are close to 25 million Sikhs worldwide and many of them have stayed in Punjab. The last guru was Guru Gobind Singh and named the Sikhs scripture Guru Granth Sahib. 7. The Protestant Reformation: Ella -  Pope Leo X wanted to rebuild Saint Peter's Basilica which given to Peter from Christ himself. The cost to rebuild it was very high because it was one of the greatest architectural structures of the time. They planned to afford it by selling indulgences or pieces of paper that supposedly helped you get into heaven faster.  Gabe - The Protestant Reformation is when the church went from just the Roman Catholic church too methodist, baptist, lutheran, congregationalist, and presbyterian churches these were some of the churches that came out of the Protestant Reformation Audrey - Martin Luther, who was a German monk and a professor of theology at the University of Wittenberg, was tired of people saying since they bought indulgences, which were pieces of paper that could supposedly get you to Heaven quicker, they were freed of all their sins. As a monk Martin Luther did not like the idea of people trying to take the easy way out by buying their way to Heaven so he wrote a series of arguments on the issues of selling indulgences better known as the 95 Theses and it is said that he nailed it to the doors of the castle church in Wittenberg. Skylar - The protestant reformation started in 1517. The reformation started by Martin Luther. Then later on other leaders were Huldrych Zwingli and John Calvin. The Protestant Reformation lasted until the end of the Thirty Years war, which ended in 1648. Emma - The reformation was a distinct change from the practices and beliefs of the  Catholic Church. They very much believed that your actions impacted if and when you got to Heaven. This was what martin Luther was addressing with his writings, saying that the sinful nature was unavoidable and that faith alone can save us. Ethan- The Reformation ended around the time of the end of the 30 years war. The war ended in 1648. By this time the society of Western Christianity had split into many different “churches” like Catholic, Lutheran, and Anglican, just to name a few. 7.   The Russian Empire - Ella - Modern day Sweden was once the home of the Vikings. They would travel around Western Europe by sea and attack and steal from towns on the coast. The Vikings were also known for their trading. There were many water routes from Sweden to common trading countries such as Baghdad and Constantinople. Large amounts of viking jewelry was found along these rivers. Gabe - The Russian empire began with the varangians which were vikings being pushed back to Sweden but there was chaos in the northern slav area and it is said that they went to the varangians and asked them to rule over them because there is no order and so 3 people were pick Rurik being the oldest settles in Novograd and calls the land Rus which many people believe is where the word Russia comes from and on his death Rurik appoints Oleg as his successor and Oleg settles in Kiev expanding Rus to Kiev Rus Skylar - The Russian Empire was officially proclaimed by Tsar Peter I, (the first, skylar do NOT say 1)following the Treaty of Nystad, which was in 1721. The Russian Empire was strong and alive well before that though, 1478 is when most believe in was truly established. The Russian Empire is the third largest in the world. It contains three different continents. Sometimes the Russian Empire is also known as Imperial Russia. Audrey - The word Rus is thought by most historians to be the origin of the word Russia. But where did the word Rus come from? Historians have come up with many answers for this question. Some believe that the word Rus came from the name of Sweden at the time since that’s where Rus was, and some think the the Rus were a group of vikings. Emma - The inhabitants of the Land of Rus are said to have come from two groups of people that resided in what is now Russia. These two groups were the Eastern Slavs and the Varangians. However, there were many other groups of Slavs that made up the other nations that now exist in the area. Ethan- The Russian Empire lasted from 1721-1917. The Empire took up 14 million square miles and was ruled autocratically. It had over 170 million people and 100 different backgrounds. The capital of the Russian Empire is St Petersburg. Most of the population consisted of serfs until 1861 when Alexander II set them free. This Emancipation did not change the conditions for the peasant populus.