#27: Noam Chomsky


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Searching for Bernie (Sanders)

News & Politics

  Noam Chomsky is an American linguist, philosopher, cognitive scientist, historian, social critic, anti-war activist, and a world-renowned voice of the very progressive left. For more than half a century, Chomsky taught at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He’s the author of more than a hundred books, including Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media; Necessary Illusions: Thought Control in Democratic Societies; and Hegemony or Survival: America’s Quest for Global Dominance.  Chomsky is now 87 years old, and although he has retired as a full-time professor, he’s still in big demand as a speaker, a writer, and a critic. In recent months he’s also said some nice things Bernie’s campaign for president.  So, on a whim last October, I sent him an email to ask for an interview. I figured my message would disappear under the hundreds of other emails he must receive each day. But he wrote back, and after several exchanges, we scheduled an interview for a few months down the road. Fast forward to March 11, when I stopped by MIT to see Prof. Chomsky. I had only 25 minutes on his schedule, and it flew by... Show notesNoam ChomskyAbby Martin interviews Chomsky [VIDEO]Fritz SternGeorge Carlin [VIDEO]Sound bed: “Let’s Make a Pact,” by Josh Spacek via Free Music Archive (Creative Commons License Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0)