2.7 Revolution and Enlightenment


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Emancipation Podcast Station


1750 - 1900 Revolution and Enlightenment American Revolution:   Skylar - The war that has a bunch of names is commonly known as the Seven Years war. This was is also known as the French and Indian war, the war of the Conquest, the Pomeranian war, the Third Silesian war, and the Third Carnatic war. The Seven Years war actually lasted longer than seven years, it actually lasted nine, from 1754 to 1763. The reason that this war is known as a bunch of different names is because it was fought in a bunch of different places, since it was the first  global war after all. Ella - At the time England, France, and Spain were claiming land but each country was looking for different things. England was looking for territory especially on the east coast where they were going to send people and be able to expand. The french were wanting to be able to trade with Native Americans for things like fur and Spain wanted access to their sugar islands and metals. (The heck?)   Audrey - With the dates it started and ended the seven years war did last nine years but the reason it’s called the seven years war instead of the nine years war is the english actually didn’t declare war on the French until 1756. Ethan - This revolution was started because the 13 colonies wanted to be independent from British rule. One of the reasons behind seceding from British control was because Britain was becoming more and more nosy in America’s affairs. This was exemplified with “salutary neglect” which was where the internal affairs of America were fine with Britain unless they became unruly.   Emma - One of the largest aspects of the Seven Years war was the power struggle between the French and English Kingdoms. Politics and governmental trends were beginning to change around the world, showing signs of systems we are +   now familiar with. However, the idea of strong monarchs still held influence over many systems. This war determined which line of monarchs would hold world dominance to this day. 6.Hunter- So today looks like I’m the strategy guy. For a bit of the eighteenth century the French kept sort of the same strategy by letting the colonies fend for themselves or giving minimal help(like sending little amounts of troops or inexperienced ones) Now for the British strategy. The British tried to use as little troops as possible(by inclination and practical reasons) they looked to offset the disadvantage of this by of this in Europe by allying themselves with other continental powers who had similar goals to theirs. Now for the Russians and Austrians strategy. The Russians and Austrians were determined to take back land and power from a German state called Prussia (in which at the time was a new threat to them) Austria needed to regain Silesia which was lost to Prussia in the War of The Austrian Succession. Ben - The seven year war end with the signing of the treaty of paris and the treaty of hubertusberg. England ends up in debt because of how much money they poured into the war, as everyone trades land around to eventually find a compromise. Gabe - im going to add on to what ethan said the american revolution were becoming the 13 colonies and this is when the declaration of independence and articles of confederation the us constitution so these very important documents were being written   French Revolution:              Ella - In 1789 before the French Revolution France was poor. If you were to meet some of the families living in France at the time you wouldn't believe they were poor because of the nice clothing they wore and luxurious lifestyles they lived but there government itself was very in debt.   Audrey - With the financial state France was in at that time most people were starving because they couldn’t produce enough grain and what little money they had they had to use to pay taxes. On the other hand royalty got to live in a palace wear fancy clothes and eat whatever they wanted and so did the nobility which were these people with a fancy title who inherited money and land they lived in pretty much a small version of the palace and they didn’t have to pay any taxes. Ethan - Many things happened during the French Revolution including the Thermidorian Reaction. This was when the French people started thinking that Maximilien Robespierre was dubbed a tyrant for which he was outcast. This made an entirely new party, the Directory, show up and ‘fix’ things. In this process they removed any elections and made the financial state even worse that what it was before.   Skylar - When the french revolution started in 1789 the king of France Louis XVI and his wife, Marie Antoinette lived a very lavish lifestyle. They lived in the palace of Versailles. France was in debt because of the two major battles they just fought in, one was the american revolution and the other was the seven years war.   5.Hunter- In the Brunswick Manifesto the Imperial and Prussian armies threatened retaliation on the French if it were to continue to resist  their advance or the reinstatement of the monarchy. This along with other reasons made it look like Louis was conspiring with them. Emma - During the French Revolution, in October of 1789, a group of peasant women led a March to the estate of King Louis XVI. They had heard all the rumors about the King and his wife hoarding grain while they starved. They demanded that the monarchs move from their current residence to Paris so that their actions would be visible to all the citizens. This demand was filled. Ben - The French revolution ended in 1799. During this time the “Reign of Terror” happened also. Fifteen-thousand people including the previous king of France, King Louis XVI, were executed for treason as the French revolution started to end. Then Napoleon became the leader, turning France into a more military country then it was before. Gabe - in 1795 the french revolution was ending and french now had peace with spain and prussia and there constitution was ratified making this a victory for france   Napoleon Bonaparte: 1. Ella - In 1799 Napoleon took power of France and in 1800 he decides to try to take back Italy from the Austrians. He does defeats Austria and makes a treaty with Lunaville marking the end of the second Coalition. Ethan - Bonaparte was an extremely important part of the French congress and revolution. He led many of the successful campaigns. In the end, he was emperor of France for a decade and slight amount more during the Hundred Days. The Hundred Days was just the marking of when Bonaparte returned from Elba during exile. Skylar - Napoleon Bonaparte was born on August 15th, 1769 in Ajaccio, france. Napoleon was a french statesman as well as a military leader. He lead the french to many successful battles during the french revolution. He was also the emperor of france from 1804 to 1814, and then again in 1815 during the “Hundred Days”. He died May 5th, 1821. 4.Hunter- Napoleon served as an artillery officer in the French army around the time that the French Revolution started happening in 1789. He quickly rose in the ranks of the military taking what chances he had during the Revolution and was a general at the age of 24. Emma - Napoleon took power in the year 1799 under the title of Consul. He rose to power with two other Consuls, forming a three pronged leadership system, similar to the triumvirates of Ancient Rome. However, after rising to power, he very quickly declared himself the First Consul, which put him above the other two in authority and power. Audrey - Napoleon had lost a lot of soldiers after trying to retreat Russia where he had 450,000 soldiers he was down to about 10,000. Then great britain was already against him but Russia and Prussia joined forces and he knew they had the advantage so as persuasive as he seemed to be he managed to get about 130,000 troops and even later he made it up to 400,000 again. Ben - Napoleon died after being exiled in 1851 to Saint Helena, an island near the coast of Africa. Most historians believe his cause of death was stomach cancer. Gabe - Napoleon was sent to Saint Helena by the English who he surrendered himself to because he didn’t want the prussians to get him and kill him or torchure him   France's many revoluts and republics: Ethan - France has had 5 republics and 4 revolutions, making this time in history very interesting. I’ll just talk about the first republic. It was founded on the 21st of September in 1792. This was 3 years after the French Revolution. This republic was founded over the Ancien Regime getting overthrown, thus began the first republic.   Ella - In 1799 Napoleon Bonaparte came to power. He ended the First Republic in 1804 when he declared himself emperor. In 1815 Napoleon was faced with a waterloo.  He got banished off to Elba but was able to comeback. After that he spent 111 days in power again and then was SOMEONE DELETED MY STUF Skylar - After that Louis the 18th dies, without children in the year 1824, so his younger brother charles the 10th comes to power. In 1830 there is the July revolution but it is not successful. After that Charles the 10th cousin comes in who is the Duke of Orleans, Louis Philippe the first.   4.Hunter- The February Revolution in 1848 was only one of a wave of revolutions in 1848. In France the revolutionary events ended the Orleans monarchy and led to the French Second Republic. Following the overthrow of Louis Philippe in February 1848, the elected government of the Second Republic ruled France for a period of time. Audrey - When Louis the 16th dies his younger brother came to power and he was called Louis the 18th. There was no Louis the 17th because he was louis 16th son who died in prison when he was ten. Ben - The most influential individual in the government during that time was named Jean Maximillion Lamarque, he was one of the very few people in the French government that cared about the common folk. Once he died, his funeral urged on a revolt from the people, but the revolution was unsuccessful. Emma - The event known as the June Rebellion of 1832 was another attempted revolt of the people against the current monarch. However it was an unsuccessful rebellion, or attempt at a revolution. This event was actually witnessed by Victor Hugo which served as inspiration for his story. Haitian Revolution: Ethan - This revolution took place in 1791-1804 when the Haitian slaves revolted against the colonists. The Haitians found freedom from their French slaveholders. The startup of this revolution was because of racist societies along with the French Revolution happening at the time since the would have trouble with sending reinforcements.   Ella -  Vincent Oge was a very wealthy, mixed race businessman. He was one-fourth African American and three-fourths French. He was in Paris during the French revolution for business purposes. This man owned many slaves and lots of land in what is now Haiti but he didn't have the same rights and as some of the other men around him because of his race so when he heard they were gonna rewrite the constitution he started lobbying for equal rights and was successful in gaining the right to vote   3.Hunter- This revolution was a successful anti-slavery and anti-colonial rebellion by self-liberated slaves against French colonial rule in Saint-Domingue, now the sovereign nation Haiti. It involved blacks, mulattoes, French, Spanish, and British people--- with ex-slave Toussaint L’Ouverture rising as Haiti’s most appealing hero.    Audrey - Saint-Domingue now known as Haiti is a French colony in the caribbean. It’s the western half of an island and that island was the island that Columbus first found when he discovered the new world. Ben - In order to try and get everyone on their side after seeing the Haiti revolts, France signed a document in April 1792 that gave free people of color full citizenship. Some people think this was stirred on by Vincent Oge. Skylar - The Haitian revolution started on August 21st, 1791 and lasted almost twelve & a half years. The Haitians won but it resulted in the Massacre of the French. Gabe - when the french went to put slavery this dude named Leclerc came with 40,000 To fight the haitians and the yellow fever and 32,000 people were lost leaving only 8,000 people in lectercs army who also died so its now rochambeau who liked to bury slaves with insects and boil them in molasses so this was not a good dude and napoleon kind of just leaves them because he's got bigger problems in france and so dessieres is able to defeat rochambeau declaring  Saint Dominigue independance. Even after the slaves were already declared free in Haiti (though without their knowledge) a plan was made to actually remove the freedoms they had been given and to reinstate slavery once the time was right. Latin American independence: Ethan - After much time(300 years) of colonial rule, many Spanish colonies gained independence. This included Cuba and Puerto Rico, which were originally Iberian countries/states(I’m bad at Geography). This happened during 1808-1826. This happened so quickly it triggered a lot of things like government reforms. Ella - Around 1750 while America was divided between european countries Spain controlled most of the Americas all the way down south to where chile is now and all the way North to modern day Texas and California. The Portuguese also owned a great majority of the land in South America around modern day brazil. 3.Hunter- After the Royal court returned to Lisbon, the Prince Regent, Pedro, stayed in Brazil and successfully declared himself Emperor of newly independent Brazil. However Cuban independence was fought against spain in two years (Ten years and barely any war). But Cuba and Puerto Rico remained under Spanish Rule until the Spanish-American War in 1898.     Audrey - Many revolutions in Latin-America were led by Simon Bolivar who was a creole and the word creole has had many meanings but this time it meant a person who descended mostly from spain but was born in the new world. Ben -  A very important document, well, series of documents, relating to the enlightenment was made in France during this time period. It was called “The Encyclopedia” and it documented all French political science and climate. A popular quote from this document is “The goal of an encyclopedia is to assemble all the knowledge scattered on the surface of the earth, to demonstrate the general system to the people with whom we live, & to transmit it to the people who will come after us, so that the works of centuries past is not useless to the centuries which follow, that our descendants, by becoming more learned, may become more virtuous & happier, & that we do not die without having merited being part of the human race.” ( May or may not read the quote depending on how much time is needed to fill. ) Skylar - Toussaint Louverture was able to set up his own nation basically because all the other countries were too busy fighting against each other. This is the only time something like this has ever happened from a slave revolt. Gabe - Simón Bolívar helped Mexico Venezuela Peru Colombia Ecuador Bolivia which was named for him Paraguay Uruguay Brazil Argentina gain independence from spain Emma - The Independence movements of Latin America were influenced by two main factors. Like many others at the time, they were inspired by the enlightenment, but the fact that France was undergoing its own revolution also served as an influence. Imperialism Ethan - Imperialism is basically the process of gaining land through demonstrating economic or political power. Normally it uses military force to prove this. They also distribute propaganda to get people to see it their way. They also down on their opponents teachings or laws to make it seem better. 2.Hunter- However Imperialism is different from New Imperialism, because the term Imperialism is usually used to the colonisation of the Americas between the 15th and 19th centuries, as against to the expansion of Western Powers and Japan during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.    Audrey - A very important part of imperialism is industrialization. Industrialization is the use of technology to be more productive and efficient. An example would be the steam engine which allowed us to use energy we made to run machines and it made factories significantly more productive. Ben -  There are a few reasons that countries were so motivated to industrialize. One of the most obvious ones is money, being an advanced country attracts people that you can tax and factories help make things faster and cheaper. Another reason is land, the more land you have the more powerful you are. Skylar -The definition of imperialism is a policy of extending a country’s power and influence through diplomacy or military force. The british and the europeans wanted what the chinese had, which was porcelain and silk, but the chinese weren’t interested in trading, finally the europeans find something that the chinese want and that was Opium, opium is the thing that gets you addicted to Heroin and Morphine. Ella - The first Opium war took place in 1839 to 1842 and from 1856 to 1860 the second Opium war went on. During this time the very addictive drug Opium became legal. Because of this the Qing dynasty lost confidence and Opium in general was very destructive to this society. Gabe - this is also around the time the japanese opened trade with america because commodore came with some pretty big ships and then came again with more to ask to open trade and the japanese were like don't want to have a war like the chinese did with the british so they opened trade to americans 8. Emma - All throughout history we cases of nations switching to imperialism from their current political system. This often leads to conflict due to the strong, controlling government powers, which can result in civil war and revolutions.