28 October 2021 - Budget provides cuts and benefit boost for low paid


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"The opposition Labour Party have had an easy time in criticizing the Government’s performance since the start of the Pandemic. Boris Johnson and his team have made some high-profile errors in some areas, and not acted fast enough in others. One Minster who has been fairly secure in his role, and has stood up to some of Johnson’s excesses, is Chancellor Rishi Sunak. While some may say that his role has been fairly simple since he took over from Sajid Javid at the start of the Pandemic, he has targeted the right sectors for support and while generous, cannot be labelled profligate. Yesterday, Sunak presented his Budget to the House of Commons, although in truth, most of the juicier proposals had been in the public domain as long as six weeks. One new proposal that the Labour Party will find difficult to criticize when the debate on the Budget begins later today is how the Government is planning to fight hardcore unemployment. Having faced questions over the withdrawal of £20 per week additional payment of the Universal Credit benefit, Sunak has, in basic terms, used the funds to increase the rate of pay for the lowest paid. " Beyond Currency Market Commentary: Aims to provide deep insights into the political and economic events worldwide that can cause currencies to change and how this can affect your FX Exposure.