3-Creativity and Perfectionism


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Art Spot with Anne Manera


“Have no fear of perfection, you’ll never reach it” – Salvador Dali It’s been said that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I am sure we have all heard this so many times that it begins to have no meaning. Becoming just a cliche for many, rather than taking to heart what it truly means. Especially with any creative endeavor. Let’s face it, we all love praise. Some more than others. The purpose of making art is to do it for yourself and do it because you enjoy it. If you are involved in any type of creative activity whether it's visual or performing arts, cooking, crafting, etc,  it should be something that you enjoy. If  you are frustrated by it then it's time to change what you are doing. So what's the next step? Take a moment to think about why you started coloring. And think about your abilities rather than your inabilities.