#3: David Bowie & The Apocalypse


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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies


In this episode we discuss David Bowie, the apocalypse that he was trying to warn us about vis a vie Blackstar, the real things Sumerians had to say about Nibiru, and predictive programming. We also touch on David Bowie's long history and fascination with the occult, and his secret brown eye. In our Conspiracy Corner Wrap Up we discuss leggings, Adele being unable to stop shapeshifting into a reptile, Rob Lowe seeing Big Foot, the beef between the creators of two different Bigfoot TV series, three-toed and three-fingered being found at the Nazca Lines in Peru, Robert Del Naja is Banksy, Goop and Infowars are selling the exact same products, and our latest addition to The Bezos Files: journalists of Washington Post (owned by Jeff Bezos) are forbidden from criticizing advertisers, even on their personal social media accounts.  Finally, Stormy predicts the Presidential election in 2020 and coincidentally comments on Mark Zuckerberg pretending to be a farmer. Visit the blog for extensive show notes & links: www.calicopodcasts.com/realeyes/episode3