3 Mindset Shifts to Make to Grow Beyond the Messy Middle


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Personal Brand Journey with Jamie M Swanson


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I know these mindset shifts are so prevalent are because I have struggled with each and every one of them at some point in my entrepreneurial life. And when I overcame these three mindsets or shifted them into whatever they needed to be, that's when things really started to take off. And kept me from being held back in that messy middle and started to grow much easier. So it's, it feels a little vulnerable sharing these with you, honestly, because I've had to work through them myself so much, but here they are because I want you to. Basically benefit from the stuff I've been through. And if these are things that are keeping you stuck, the sooner you can recognize them the faster you're going to be able to move beyond them. So, number one, the reason that we are stuck in the messy middle. Is that we feel really insecure about our worth and our authority and feel the need to prove ourselves. what I mean by that is we're putting out way too much free content, or we are over-delivering in our courses and our memberships where we might even been giving them. All of this information, that's really, really great information, but it's overwhelming them. They don't need to know all of it because they just want results. They want to implement what they're learning and get results as fast as possible. But we feel this need to give them more and more and more information or to do more one-on-ones or. Basically, we take on this responsibility for getting them results. So sometimes, and I've seen this and I've done this, so not just seen it, but done it. We even jump in and do the work for our people. So for example, let's say that you're a copywriter and you're teaching people how to write copy, and you give them all these templates and you. Teach them all the different things they need to be thinking about as they're creating sales pages and all these other things, but then you have somebody who reaches out and they're struggling and they're like, Oh, you know, I just I'm struggling with this or that. Or could you critique this? And so even though you didn't charge them for it, and you've got a lot of people and it's not scalable, You feel like you need to prove that what you're doing is good and you feel like you must get them results. And so not only you do, you critique it, but then you give them all of this copy and you kind of do some of the work for them, which honestly. Sorry to say it. It's kind of, co-dependence when we take on the responsibility for them getting results, we need to guide and help them learn how to do things on their own and focus on results more than on giving more information or just doing the work for people. So that. They can truly learn how to do it themselves and be able to replicate it in the future, but also teach them how to trust themselves. The reason we do this, it's not bad to help our people. I mean, love on your people, help them get results for sure. But keep your boundaries in place because what happens is. If we're doing this because we feel insecure about our worth or we really feel like we need to prove that we're good enough. And that we know enough that we really can do this. What's going to happen is that we are going to fill our calendars with time. We're going to put other people's needs above our own. We're going to do way too much free content because. We don't really feel like we're good enough to sell, or we feel like we need to prove it to more people. And we basically fill our time with stuff that isn't actually going to move the needle in the end. So, number one, you need to know that you are enough, you can do this and that the goal is to help your people get the results that thereafter and do it in such a way that still gives you the freedom. And. Protects your boundaries and allows you to live the life that you want to have. because when you don't, it's so easy to get sucked into doing way too much and not actually move forward. It's more like spinning your wheels and almost all of the time. And I know this myself it's because you're insecure about if you're good enough, or if you really can help people. Number two, sometimes we get stuck in the messy middle. Because we're afraid of what other people are going to think. This usually shows up in the form of perfectionism. we want everything to be absolutely perfect. And it shows up in the form of shifts. Well, I should have this massive audience before I do this, or I should have this whole funnel in place before I ever sell, or I should have all of these things that I need to have, because that's what this course I take told me. I need to do. Before I can legitimately move forward in my business and start selling to people. I should have the course done or the product finished, you know, I should have the sales page written. None of that matters. It only matters if you care about. What other people are going to think, or if they're going to judge you, we think we have to be perfect. We think we need to have it all right. And we worry so much. Well, what are they going to think if I sell something to them and we created together and it's not perfect. What if I sell it before it's done? Well, as long as you're framing it. Okay. And saying, Hey, we're going to co-create this it's fine. as long as you're not lying about what's there it's okay. But. Getting stuck in the sheds. Like I should be doing this. I should be running ads. I should any sheds don't should on yourself. Anytime the word should comes up, it should trigger up. I probably don't need to be doing this or there's maybe a different way or. Do I really have to do this, or is this me worried about judgment or not being good enough or any of the other things? So fear of judgment will keep you stuck in the messy middle, because you will do all of this stuff that you don't need to be doing. You'll put so much time and energy on something being perfect. When spoiler alert. It's never going to be perfect. It won't, it's always a work in progress. This is like art. It's not necessarily ever done. You don't perfectly right. a best-selling book the very first time there's multiple drafts, there's edits. There's all of these things that happen. It is a dynamic growing, changing, shifting thing. If you're truly going to have an amazing business and testing is a natural part of it, it shouldn't be perfect. C plus work. It's enough now I know that's really hard to hear or do, if you are an Enneagram three, like I am a perfectionist. Somebody who wants to be the best at all, they do. But that's more a reflection of my own insecurities and my own fear of judgment then of what actually works to grow your business. And so much of the energy that you're putting into your business. When you're afraid of judgment, isn't going to get you results. It's a waste. And it's keeping you from doing the things that actually matter. It's keeping you from reaching out and asking people to. Be a party of our business. It's keeping you from doing the things that really matter, and that really will move you forward faster. They'll keep you stuck in the messy middle. The third thing that we need to recognize and overcome is that sometimes. We actually benefit from the busy work that we're doing, because it makes us feel good that we're busy. It feeds our ego straight up. It feels good to be wanted. It feels good to Mark things off the to-do list. We gain our worth from achieving, even if it isn't the best use of our time, just, it feels good to make that little graphic in Canva instead of hiring a VA to do it for you. And. Sometimes the things we're doing are being done. Not because we really want to move forward, but because maybe something in us feels like we need to earn our love or achieve in order to feel like we are worthy of love. That's something that I've dealt with. That's my not everyone's, but it's definitely mine. Or that if I give to my clients more, they will spread the word more for me and we try and earn it that way or whatever it is. So often we're afraid to let go of doing all of the things and we make excuses about, Oh no, we really love doing all the things. We love them because they feed our ego and make us feel like we're doing something worthwhile. But they aren't growing our businesses. And so you really have to ask yourself, what's your goal here is your goal here just to feel smart, like, do you just want to go up on clubhouse and go up on stage and share some knowledge so that people think of you as somebody who's really bright and feel great. Which that's okay, but recognize it for what it is or do you, I want to do it with intention behind it and not care so much about your ego and about getting credit or, being known for something because you want to be the best of the best of the best of the best. And so you focus on all this stuff that. Helps you be known, but doesn't actually make you money because the backend stuff isn't as fun or whatever it is. Right. I've always wanted to be the smartest. I always want to be the most helpful. That's just kinda my own thing. I want to be perfect the best. And so, so much of what I did was motivated by my ego and it wasn't until I set my ego aside and said, Hey, you know, I don't need to prove all the things that I know. I just need to help people get results quickly. What's the fastest, easiest way I can help them get results. What's the least amount of work they have to do in order to get the clients that they're looking for or to grow in their business or whatever it is. Right. And when I took that mindset shift and I went from having to show them how smart I was too. Really focusing on them and how little could I do and starting to evaluate everything I was doing through this lens of ego, It feels so good to check all these things off the to-do list. But it feels even better to spend that time with my family or to be out on the trail. And so I had to ask myself, am I willing to not help everybody with everything and to let go of these things that are feeding my ego in order to get the things that I say I truly want, do I really want them? And so here's what I want to ask you to ponder. Do you really want to move out of the messy middle? Because if you do the first step is to admit that you want it and say, I want this more than I want to feed my ego. I want this more than I care about what other people are going to think. And I know that I can help people. I don't have to prove that to anybody, not even myself. Because when you do this, It will change the way you spend your time. It will change the way you develop your products and it should change the way you do your business and allow you to let go of so many of the things that you're doing in your business that really are only there to serve your insecurities or your ego. And aren't actually serving your prospective clients or your customers. And what I want for you is to let go of all that garbage and focus in on the stuff that really works, that really helps them. And that really moves your business forward because that. Is where you are going to start to move forward out of the messy middle it's through saying no. And not saying yes to everything that will get you, that momentum to move forward. because the more you can say no to, and the more you can focus on the things that remain, the more you're going to grow. Do more of what's working really, really well. Just go deep into it. And you are going to grow so much faster and have so much more space in your business, in your life. And you're going to have more of all those things that you say you really want to have without it sacrificing. Your life without your business running you. And that is how you scale out of the messy metal. Now, if you want help with this and support as you go, I would love for you to consider becoming part of the brighter together mastermind, where you will be surrounded by like-minded entrepreneurs who are moving out of the messy middle, who are committing to focusing. To supporting each other to learning how to be a mirror for each other. They can point out those limiting beliefs or those mindset shifts that need to happen and support you through it. Do it and remind you of who you are. You can be seen and understood. And celebrated and supported. It's just magical. I would love to have you in it. If you're interested, you can get all the details@wearebrightertogether.com. Right now, as I'm recording this episode, I currently have six spots available, but once they're full, I'll be opening up a waitlist. And if you'd like one of them just go to, we are brighter together.com. You're not going to see this perfect, beautiful, huge thing. It's a Google form, at least right now, as I'm recording this and it's got all the information there and what you need. But I didn't let my perfectionist tendencies take over. Eventually I will make a bigger, more detailed page, but check it out. If you have any questions, just reach out to me personally, on Instagram at Jamie bright adventures. The link by the way to that is in the show notes. And I will be happy to answer any questions in the meantime, just remember we are brighter together. My friends, the world needs us, so let's go out and make a ? brighter.