3 Mistakes To Avoid With FASD and Chronic Lateness - FASD Elephant™ Podcast #020


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FASD Elephant™ Podcast & Blog

Kids & Family

Do Your Kids Make You Late? More times than you can count? If you've struggled with constant lateness, this story is for you! After sharing a little about Podfest 2018, you can hear a short but not-so-simple experience I had that gave me some surprising insights into being late. Feel free to learn from my mistakes for more of your own parenting peace. Two mistakes to avoid are clearly labeled in the podcast, but the third is only alluded to. So, I'll state the third mistake clearly here in the show notes: "Stuff Your Own Feelings--MOMENTARILY!" Check out the podcast to learn more about handling chronic lateness. Join my email list for a free gift and news about new podcast episodes, plus important information for any caregiver whose kids have difficult behaviors to understand and manage. Join here: Free Gift and Newsletter Sign-Up