3 Reasons Why You Can't Start Journaling


Listens: 34

The ImpleBooks Podcast


You may have started or thought about starting journaling. But just like any other habit you may not stick to it, if you, don't know some of the things and start right.

In this episode of The ImpleBooks Podcast your host Mithu Roy shares 3 Reasons or Mistakes we generally make when we start our journalling journey. He also shares techniques so that you don't do these mistakes.

About The ImpleBooks Podcast

In the ImpleBooks Podcast Mithu Roy shares his learning from Books, Movies, podcasts, Articles, Movies, and all the fantastic things he experiences in his day-to-day life. Mithu Roy is a Software Engineer from India, and he believes that with the power of Books and free knowledge out there he can motivate others to take action. Also, he will share his learning and journey along the way.

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