300 Letters, Philanthropy, and Bliss | Randall Kaplan | 333


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Growth to Freedom™ - Transform Your Life, Business, and Relationships with Clarity, Confidence, and Direction


Randall Kaplan is a serial entrepreneur, venture capitalist, and business advisor. He is the Founder and CEO of the venture capital firm, JUMP Investors, as well as the travel company Sandee, which is on a mission to create the world’s first beach brand. Randall has also co-founded several other companies, including Thrive Properties, Akamai Technologies, and River City Restoration.  In addition to his entrepreneurial ventures, Randall is a public speaker and guest lecturer, has served as an advisor for over 50 companies, and has mentored more than 100 students through JUMP’s internship program. He is the host of the podcast, In Search Of Excellence, and the author of the best-selling coffee table book, Bliss: Beaches. In this episode… Are you looking for a tried-and-true strategy that will help you achieve your biggest professional goals? Do you want to meet the people in your industry that can catapult your career to new heights? If you’re nodding your head, it might be time to take advantage of Randall Kaplan’s “300 letters” approach. After Randall graduated from college, he struggled to find a job that both paid his rent and aligned with his passions. After leaving two different positions, he decided to try a new strategy for landing his dream job: writing over 300 letters to the country’s top CEOs. By making each letter unique enough to catch the attention of these business leaders, he was able to schedule as many as 80 meetings ​​— and achieve his goal of working for one of the greatest leaders of the time. Now, Randall is here to share the key to his success and offer his tips for standing out from the crowd.  Randall Kaplan, the Founder and CEO of JUMP Investors and Sandee, joins Dan Kuschell on this episode of Growth to Freedom to discuss his unique strategy for achieving your professional goals. Randall shares the lessons he learned from writing 300 letters to the country’s leading CEOs, the visions behind his recent business ventures, and why it pays to make a great impression. Stay tuned.