322: Walt Rakowich - Transformative Influence: How to Build Trust and Lead Others in Today's Climates of Change


Listens: 12

Fast Leader Show | Customer Experience Leadership


The goal of transformative influence is always to make other people better. However, there is a void in trust in the marketplace today - people no longer trust each other. Employees don’t trust management, employees don't trust the board, and investors don't trust the employees and the board. As a result, transformation is almost impossible.

As a leader, if you want to build trust, you need to understand that it’s not about you. It’s about the influence you have on other people. It’s all about trying to make other people better.

If you can make them better, you’ll be surprised to see that they will actually perform for you.

In this episode, Walt Rakowich shares his experience on transformative influence and the steps you can take to transform your team and make your organization better.