#33: Probiotics for Healing with Just Thrive Microbiologist Kiran Krishnan


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Clean Eating for Women with Carrie Forrest, MPH in Nutrition


Kiran Krishnan is the Chief Science Officer at Just Thrive Probiotics. He is a research microbiologist that has been in the industry for 16 years. He has promised to educate us today about spore based probiotics in a way that is easy to understand. rIn this episode of the Clean Eating for Women podcast, we talk about:   Kiran gives us a probiotic overview We learn what spore based probiotics are 80% of our immune system exists in our gut Some highlights of this episode on Probiotics for Healing with Just Thrive Microbiologist Kiran Krishnan: Kiran's super power is that he is a nerd that can talk to humans. He is going to explain some complicated topics in an easy to understand and "digestible" way. I heard Kiran on another podcast and knew he would be a great guest for the show. [01:13] Probiotics were first invented by Elie Metchnikoff. He put forth the idea that illness comes from an overabundance of bad bacteria. Auto intoxication. Using good bacteria to counteract bad bacteria. [02:11] A probiotic should be a live microorganism. It's a bacteria of some sort that can get into your system and make significant and valuable changes to the rest of the population in your digestive system and immune system. [03:17] If we have the right type of bacteria in our gut, we can create a significant amount of value in the way our body and our immune system functions. A probiotic is a good bacteria that goes to work for you fixing damage that we have done to our microbiome. [04:08] Things that can damage our microbiome can be too much sugar or taking antibiotics. We are a collection of thousands of organisms that work together as a whole. Our modern environment disrupts the cycle. Preservatives, pesticides, herbicides, glyphosate, chlorine, fluoride, and 80% of our personal care products destroy our bodies bacterial cultures. [04:52] Spore based probiotics form an endospore to protect themselves. They can survive in stomach acid. Then in the gut, they recondition the environment. They find bad bacteria and kill them off and feed the good bacteria through prebiotic foods. [11:33] Leaky gut is what is driving chronic inflammation that is driving chronic disease. Endotoxins leak through the intestinal lining and get into your bloodstream. This sets off inflammation and starts the process of disease. Obesity, brain fog, anxiety, depression, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, cancer, and autoimmune diseases are all caused by toxins leaking from the gut. [19:42] Spore based probiotics are able to stop leaky gut in 30 days. It can help heal and reverse the entire condition. Metabolic endotoxemia is the process of digestion increasing intestinal leakiness. [25:59] The vast majority of the body can heal if we put it in a healing state. We can't be in a healing state with a continuous flood of toxins and inflammation just from eating food. [31:04] Links mentioned in this episode: Just Thrive Probiotic Microbiologist Kiran Krishnan Elie Metchnikoff Kiran Krishnan - Forget What You Know About Probiotics - a Paradigm Shift Kiran Krishnan YouTube Join the Clean Eating for Women Community! 21-Day Clean Eating Jumpstart Challenge! Clean Eating Every Day by Carrie Forest Clean Eating for Women episode index Clean Eating for Women Podcast private Facebook Group (great for asking questions and connecting with me personally) Don’t miss new blog posts! Join my weekly newsletter list to get all the latest news and recipe links delivered directly to your inbox.