337 - Claiming Self-Authority: The Code of Conduct - Part 2 - The Responsibility Paradox


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Let’s reframe responsibility. No one is inherently responsible or irresponsible. Responsibility is simply the ability to respond to a situation. You have the opportunity to respond in every situation you are in. And the irony of it – what I call the responsibility paradox – is that people who aren’t being responsible don’t wonder if they are being responsible, because that is the responsible thing to do. One of the most powerful ways of harnessing responsibility is to respond to a situation with curiosity. When you are curious, you start to look at the things you normally wouldn’t notice, and that’s when real insight can be found. This episode was originally recorded as part of the https://courses.clearandopen.com/courses/authority (Claiming Self-Authority course), available at https://clearandopen.com/ (ClearandOpen.com). I’d love your feedback. http://getpodcast.reviews/id/1234688298 (Click here to leave a rating & review for the show on Apple Podcasts.)