338 - Claiming Self-Authority: The Code of Conduct - Part 3 - Curiosity Cures Miscommunication


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Clear communication could solve the majority of problems business leaders face every day. Imagine how much time would be saved if you asked your team to do something, took the time to make sure they understood it effectively, and they got it done on the first try? When you don’t take the time to confirm that something has been properly understood, that time gets wasted exponentially on the back end. Following up and even redoing work takes far more time in the long run. A little curiosity upfront or after the fact: did they understand what I asked them to do? Or, if not, why is that? Asking those simple questions changes everything. This episode was originally recorded as part of the https://courses.clearandopen.com/courses/authority (Claiming Self-Authority course), available at https://clearandopen.com/ (ClearandOpen.com). I’d love your feedback. http://getpodcast.reviews/id/1234688298 (Click here to leave a rating & review for the show on Apple Podcasts.)