34. Repetitive Questions that Swaruu Receives Telepathically (Taygeta-Pleiades)


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General Taygetan Information (Onboarding)


24 Jun 2019 (Original Publication Date)

These are some basic repetitive questions that reach Swaruu in the telepathic way from the humans collectively.

We also talked a little about crop circles and UFO formations that often appear in the sky. Messages from other races? Why can´t we decipher them?

I want to give my eternal thanks to Swaruu and Aneeka for having patience and enthusiasm to be with us and explain so many aspects of reality. It is a dream come true, and a great honor, to have been able to meet them. If you also want communication with star families, be patient, dreams are often fulfilled, and what we project, we attract!

Official website with transcripts and forum: https://www.swaruu.org/