34. ZDP Shots: Sharing Economy


Listens: 42

Zero Down


In this episode of Zero Down Shots, Tanvi and Soumya will delve into a topic of great contemporary importance: The Sharing Economy. Taking the familiar examples of AirBnb and Uber, the hosts start off by explaining the basic idea behind a Sharing Economy and subsequently exploring the factors fuelling its growth such as technological advancement. They go on to analyse its effects on labour market dynamics as well as the environment. They touch upon topics such as creative destruction, the reputation economy, consumerism, and much more! Finally, they discuss the sharing economy in the context of the covid-19 pandemic, while also highlighting its ugly side such as lack of government regulation and racial biases. Tune in as they conclude by discussing the path that lies ahead for the sharing economy and how it can be made more efficient, sustainable, and equitable!